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Kingston 16GB DDR4-2666 HyperX FURY Black (HX426C16FB/16)

Kingston 16GB DDR4-2666 HyperX FURY Black (HX426C16FB/16)
Price: 4,999
Product Description:
16GB / DDR4 / 2666

HyperX FURY DDR4 auto-overclocks itself to the highest published frequency, up to 3466MHz¹, providing a Plug N Play boost for gaming, video editing, and rendering. It’s XMP-ready and available in 2400MHz–3466MHz speeds, CL15–19 latencies, single module capacities of 4GB–16GB, and kit capacities of 16GB–64GB. It’s also compatible with the latest Intel processors and most of the newest AMD CPU technologies. HyperX FURY DDR4 stays cool with its stylish, low-profile heat spreader. Well known for high speed and backed by industry recognized reliability, FURY DDR4’s your worry-free, cost-effective upgrade of choice.

HyperX PnP memory will run in most DDR4 systems up to the speed allowed by the manufacturer's system BIOS. PnP cannot increase the system memory speed faster than is allowed by the manufacturer's BIOS. AMD Ryzen systems will boot at the JEDEC default speed/latency with FURY. In order to enable the factory overclock speed and latency, Profile 1 must be selected in the BIOS.


Automatic overclocking – Up to 3466MHz¹
Get the most out of your new memory from the get-go with FURY DDR4’s Plug N Play automatic overclocking.

DDR4, DDR3, Corsair, Crucial, Memory, upgrade Computer, PC, gamer, gaming, speed, MHz

Energy-efficient DDR4
DDR4’s standard low 1.2 voltage means it runs cool and efficient.

DDR4, DDR3, Corsair, Crucial, Memory, upgrade Computer, PC, gamer, gaming, speed, MHz

Cost-effective, high performance upgrade
Get yourself a big boost without breaking the bank!

DDR4, DDR3, Corsair, Crucial, Memory, upgrade Computer, PC, gamer, gaming, speed, MHz

Intel XMP-Ready
Simply overclock modules by selecting a profile, no need for manual timing adjustments in BIOS.

DDR4, DDR3, Corsair, Crucial, Memory, upgrade Computer, PC, gamer, gaming, speed, MHz


CL(IDD) : 16 cycles
Row Cycle Time (tRCmin) : 45.75ns(min.)
Refresh to Active/Refresh : 350ns(min.)
Command Time (tRFCmin)
Row Active Time (tRASmin) : 29.25ns(min.)
Maximum Operating Power : TBD W*
UL Rating : 94 V - 0
Operating Temperature : 0o C to +85o C
Storage Temperature : -55o  C to +100o C

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Intel EVO